What We Do

Our Mission

We assist individuals in escaping financial hardship, enabling them to lead dignified lives based on their earnings. Our discreet approach ensures that funds directly contribute to debt repayment, creating a win-win situation for both individuals and social systems.Â

Who we are

We are a small team with personal experience in overcoming old debts. Having faced the challenges of the system firsthand, we understand how daunting it can be to navigate financial difficulties alone. When credit agencies scrutinize your score and you no longer have a credit rating, it can feel like an uphill battle.

Or Focus

Our focus is on people and their unique situations. We recognize that asking friends or family for help can strain relationships, especially when money is involved. Sometimes, even well-meaning friends or relatives don’t have the means to cover outstanding debts. It can become as confusing as dealing with loans or credit agreements from institutions.


Our mission is to assist individuals in escaping financial hardship and leading dignified lives based on their earnings. We primarily concentrate on helping people in the Western world, as we lack connections in the third world. Fortunately, there are institutions well-equipped to support those in need there.

Our believe

We believe it’s crucial to improve people’s financial well-being within our environment. The challenge of setting aside funds in high-priced countries, let alone paying off loans while in the middle class, is significant. Unexpected life events—such as losing a partner, falling ill, or facing unforeseen circumstances—can lead to borrowing money or increasing mortgages just to make ends meet.

Win Win

Even after overcoming these difficulties, some individuals remain burdened by old debts. Despite having the potential to live decently and independently, they struggle due to lingering financial obligations. Our goal is to create a win-win situation: helping people become self-sufficient while relieving the strain on social systems.

How we operate

We operate discreetly, respecting the dignity of those who seek our assistance. By personally understanding each person’s situation, we ensure that their income can cover their basic needs. When possible, we pay creditors directly—whether it’s a bank, social security, tax authorities, or other institutions. This approach ensures that funds go toward debt repayment, allowing individuals to live with dignity and without constant financial stress.

No Fees

We don't keep any fees. The only fees that apply are the ones the credit card company stripe is charging.

how We finance our work

We found ourselves out of our own founds. No Donations are used to pay any expenses of enrehance.org. All donations are used in full to help people get out of their dept.

Just $1 A day You Can Change Someone's Life!

Donate a cup of coffee or whatever you feel comfortable.

an actual case

One of our current cases involves a middle-aged family man.

He had a good job, his own company and was about to break even. He went into the preliminary work with a lot of equity and was suddenly struck down by an autoimmune disease. From one day to the next, he was no longer able to work. The business was of course being built up, all financial resources were tied up in the business and everything collapsed and from one day to the next there was no more income.

Debts were incurred to make ends meet and pay outstanding bills. At the same time, outstanding debts to social institutions and the tax authorities grew. Compound interest accumulated. The mortgage was increased and the pension money was liquidated to pay outstanding taxes.

Fortunately, he was very well looked after and after a few years his health stabilized. In the meantime, his spouse had to take on everything, including the health consequences that this entailed. She was now responsible for the income, she was responsible for the children, and she was also responsible for her spouse, who could no longer function and sometimes worked three jobs to keep everything under control and so that their home wouldn’t be taken away and they would end up on the street.

After the man stabilized, he was able to start working again and now has a very good job and earns well, so that the family can live on it, but the old debts that were incurred when the whole thing collapsed, the health collapsed are still not all repaid although they have already been paid back very large amounts. Now we want to help them to pay off the debts completely and thus really help them to manage their lives with their income with decency and dignity because they could do that on their own now if it weren’t for some of these old debts.